Thursday, March 15, 2012

Mastermind & Marketing/Wholesaling Bootcamp w/FortuneBuilders ...

I?m cruising home on the plane ride back to Seattle right now and thinking about the great week that I just had at the FortuneBuilders mastermind and marketing/wholesaling bootcamp in San Diego the last five days!

The FortuneBuilders absolutely know how to put on a great real estate event! I was able to participate in a high level mastermind with some of the top minds associated with the FortuneBuilders brand and learn some amazing things about marketing and wholesaling real estate.

I can?t emphasize enough about how cool it is to be in a room full of high level entrepreneurs. The brain power is elevated to such a high level that it seems that nothing cannot be accomplished. If you EVER get the opportunity to join a mastermind in your field of work I highly recommend it! The issues that you?re having in your business will have already been overcome by someone else in the room, and they?ll be able to tell you step by step how they worked through the problem. Some of the things that I picked up are, and

If you?re in real estate this can be accomplished right now by joining the FortuneBuilders Mastery real estate program. This is a program that we got involved with very early in our real estate careers, and to this day it?s been the best money we?ve ever spent! You can learn more by clicking here. The FortuneBuilders also have a similar program for internet marketing in any industry that is equally as good if you?re not into real estate, or you want to take you real estate game online, and create multiple streams of income. You?ll have to email me if you?re interested in the internet marketing program and I?ll get you the info.

Now that I?m headed home from the event I?m incredibly excited to get back and start implementing what I?ve learned. I have more than a few tools that are going to help my business (both real estate and online) grow immediately!

If you have any questions about how to get involved in theses programs shoot me an email or comment on this post.


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