Sunday, February 26, 2012

Your Energy and Water | New Health and Fitness

New Health And Fitness.Org - Health Information You Can Use

How many people today amongst us dissatisfied with the state of their health? For that matter how many people aren?t really getting the results that they want from their naturopath, chiropractor, psychiatrist, doctor, acupuncturist or specialist of whatever discipline or background? How many constantly sick people, especially those with symptoms of chronic fatigue engage in treatment after treatment in the frustrating search for relief from draining symptoms?

Therapists can themselves be at a loss to understand why clients show minimal response to tried and tested treatments. The missing piece in this puzzle is straightforward and it deals with a root cause of disease, yet this aspect often evades us. It is?..


In past times we would visit doctors when we were well, to prevent future illness. In these modern, more stressful times, we tend visit therapists when our symptoms have become aggravated or when the treatment we opted for has not succeeded.

By this stage our energy is much depleted and though we may not be aware of it, what little reserves we have left are used up quickly every day just functioning. In this state we may be too weak to metabolise the benefits of medicines and therapeutic treatments. Even worse, we may be holding onto inappropriate belief systems that block our healing.

Why has our energy weakened? Simple. Our environment was once rich in bio-electric energy, or life-force which our bodies were designed to absorb and in turn charge our batteries. In an all-out attack on our planet we created a frightening cocktail of chemical and radioactive substances that has poisoned our atmosphere, water and food sources . The additional damage from electromagnetic fields in particular, slowly depletes our physical resources every single day.

These imposed adjustments to our being have occurred over time. Rather than adapt, our bodies have conceded by reducing energy levels as our ?batteries ? are no longer being charged in the way they were designed.

If humans have the capacity to operate as a 12 volt battery, most of us today are functioning on 5 or 6 volts and we still think we are healthy.

People with serious health conditions are likely functioning on less than 1 volt

With depleted energy levels it is clear why people no longer have the resources to respond to treatments and therapies.

The ?Q ? Water Energy System

An exciting development changed the equation and heralded a Golden Age in healing ? the Q Energy Spa. The Q Energy Spa charges up living systems and operates by creating a bio-charge. A combination of the right geometry, materials and power flow within the water allows the conversion of energy into bio-energy. Water is the environment in which life occurs and the unifying medium that allows biological coherence.

The bio-electric field is the field of a living organism. Everything alive is made up primarily of water. The world in which we live has become deprived of bio-energy to such an extent that we are living and functioning on a mere fraction of the bio-energy we need to function correctly. This is the reason people are exhausted. This is also the reason that more and more people have varying forms of fatigue.

Energetic Medicine deals with a person?s energy field (bio-field). The basic premise is that both physical matter (including the human body) and mental processes (thoughts, feelings, attitudes) are expressions of energy. The health of a person is based on the unimpeded movement of energy in the body and any illness is due to blockages or imbalances in this flow. The concept of an invisible life force animating all life has been around throughout history. The world?s two oldest systems of medicine ? Traditional Chinese Medicine and Ayruveda ? refer to it as Qi or Prana. Pythagoras wrote of pneumas and Hippocrates of the unimpeded flow of life force energy crucial to good health.

The Q Energy Spa, one of the most exciting energetic devices developed puts the body back into its greatest potential state; you don ?t have to be sick to benefit from this technology. In today?s world it is an ideal adjunct to any treatment.

?If homoeopathic cures aren?t taking, the use of the Q2 will enable them to take.? Robert Davidson, Homoeopath

?It?s like having Lourdes in your living room?. Dr Susan Lange

From a family of
Clydeside Scots, Graeme was born and brought up in Hong Kong. He lived for 35
years there, as well as in Borneo and Indonesia. Intrigued by the way in which
the different Asian cultures approach their health and wellbeing, he studied
aspects of Traditional Chinese Medicine and became familiar with many other
time-honoured healing methods, from the traditional Jamu herbal medicine
healers of Java to the body balancing mechanisms of Jin Shin Jyutsu, from
Japan. Together with his wife Phylipa, Graeme runs Resources For Life, a
natural health business in Chichester, West Sussex. Much of what is
available on their website has origins steeped in ancient wisdom
has used the Q Energy Spa since 2002

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